Friday, October 28, 2011

Return to Perth

This time on my early morning walk I saw a kangaroo. A bit shocking as it was my size. Despite being big, it moved quite silently and rapidly, so alas no photo. I am used to spooking squirrels and small mammals, so it was my turn to be spooked. Of course there were the usual flowers to be photographed.

Eucalyptus ( gum)

Who knows

Peppermint tree

Eco Retreat highly. We were sorry to leave.
But further adventure await. We arrived in Busselton for lunch. We ate at The Goose a cafe by The Jetty, again a sunny day.

We are in Perth during CHOGMOG, commonwealth head of meeting something or other. It means that The Queen will be in town,helicopters will be buzzing around and central Perth streets will be closed. Pauline is amused because the homeless that live in the causeway will be put up at The Sheraton. she nearly left us at that causeway.
Our friends have a two bedroom apartment in South Perth, overlooking The Swann River and the city of Perth proper. This will be our home base for our excursions. Andrew and Pauline's children have the Friday off for CHO....and as a farewell, we are taking them out to dinner at their favorite restaurant Cocos. The neighborhood is fun with a variety of restraurants, shops and access to the ferry across to Perth proper.
They live near the zoo, so you can hear the wild animals: lions roaring etc.
Charles is 16 and Georgia is 14. They are in boarding school in Perth. They were delighted for a night one the town.

The dessert pictures sums up Cocos. Tomorrow Michael and I are on own and will Perth sight see. Our friends drive bak to their farm in Dandaragan. What a great time they have showed us, not to mention letting us camp out in their unit for the rest of our stay.
Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


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